Reading is the key to success in school and in life
Every child deserves to master the skill of reading. To help them achieve this, Lexplore provides Fluency Books at each reading ability level. Fluency practice and reading comprehension spark the joy of reading. With Lexplore, they also get a digital Reading Diary to log all reading in one place.
As a teacher, you will also receive teacher guidelines and lesson plans for each phase of your pupils reading development.
Fluency Practice
Lexplore's fluency practice is based on the idea that decoding is one of the key factors needed to develop one's reading comprehension. “The Simple View of Reading”, is an evidence-based, accepted model. Practicing the connection between letters and sounds in a structured way gives good results for strengthening both decoding and reading fluency. The Phonics approach is therefore the basis of the material Lexplore offers
Our reading fluency training is designed to support every level to help every pupil progress!
Created to support each reading ability level
Developed by special education teachers and based on international research
Teacher’s guides
Teacher’s guides boost your class’s reading engagement and offer you systematic methods for teaching reading. The guides consist of three areas of focus: decoding and fluency, language comprehension, and reading strategies, which together lead to improved reading comprehension.
Ready-to-use yearly planning and lesson plans
Improve reading comprehension
Reading strategies for all types of texts
Recommended exercises for each of the Key Stages
Developed by special education teachers and based on international research
Reading Diary
It's important for children to read all types of books, and with Lexplore, you can easily track all reading activities.
Easy to log reading
Get all reading insights in one place
A great way to include friends, siblings and parents