Lexplore offers an all in one service for reading development
Lexplore boosts reading progression
Increasing the number of high-level readers in the organisation
Since the city of Lidingö in Sweden started using Lexplore in all their schools to work systematically with reading development the number of strong readers has increased and the number of struggling readers has declined.

Want to know more about how you can boost reading progression?
Which solution is right for you?

Lexplore FAQ
Lexplore is at it’s most powerful when it is used as a whole school or MAT solution, giving you the ability to monitor goal achievements and allocate resources effectively. Leaders across schools can work together with teachers and parents to monitor and develop all children’s reading.
It’s easy!
Please click here to get in touch with one of team or book a demo.
We will get you up and running in no time! Our team will support you every step of the way in our onboarding process, so you can start enjoying the benefits within your school or MAT.
- Have a meeting with our team to decide who will assess your pupils be your Lexplore Ambassador.
- Set up your hardware and software.
- Plan time for assessments and reading activities for your organisation with the support of the Lexplore Methodology
- We have various digital training courses to enhance your knowledge of Lexplore.
- Start accessing your pupils and gain insights to their reading ability.
- Use Lexplore's recommendations for Fluency Practice to help support your reading interventions.
- Enjoy teaching with Lexplore to help improve pupils reading!
Ready to get started? Book a personal demo!
You can find the Lexplore pricing . Please note
Please click here for all pricing information.